Ekstrakt Cryptolepis brez alkohola (200 ml)
Cryptolepis Alcohol-Free Extract je visokokakovostno prehransko dopolnilo, ki vsebuje glicerinski izvleček korenine Cryptolepis sanguinolenta.
Cryptolepis brezalkoholni izvleček
Cryptolepis Alcohol-Free Extract je visokokakovostno prehransko dopolnilo, ki vsebuje glicerinski izvleček korenine Cryptolepis sanguinolenta.
Lyme zelišča
Prehransko dopolnilo
Sestavine: koren Cryptolepis sanguinolenta , glicerin, voda.
Razmerje jakosti zelišč: 1:5
Količina na dnevno porcijo: Izvleček korenine Cryptolepis sanguinolenta - 7,5 ml.
Navodila za uporabo (odrasli): 2,5 ml 3-krat na dan.
Neto vsebina: 200 ml
Shranjevanje: Izdelek hranite pri sobni temperaturi, v suhem prostoru, izven dosega majhnih otrok. Po odprtju hranite v hladilniku.
Pozor: Ne prekoračite priporočene porcije za uživanje čez dan. Prehranskih dopolnil ne moremo uporabljati kot nadomestilo za pestro prehrano. Izdelek ni priporočljiv za nosečnice in doječe matere.

Trop tôt pour évaluer les bienfaits dont mon médecin m\'a parlé.

The product is effective and we value it very positively.
What we do miss is not knowing the origin of the raw material. Where exactly does it come from?.
Is it at least from responsible sources?. Do you have any type of supervision on your part or from third parties regarding the raw material you receive?.
Is the herb harvested free of synthetic pesticides?. Is it wild harvested?. Is it previously analyzed in a laboratory to detect heavy metals or fungi?.
What kind of glycerin is applied?. It is not on the label.
Is the glycerin used from a genetically modified vegetable, such as soy?
Is the water distilled? or what is the purification process that you apply to the water?. This essential information does not appear on the product label either.
As an alternative measure, do you have any online link where the customer can delve in a simple way into the manufacture of your products?.
We really like what you offer. That is why we also encourage you to offer the highest possible quality and transparency with customers. Thank you very much for your attention.
Hello Maria,
Thank you for your suggestions. Unfortunately, we are not able put all the information you asked on the label. Below are the answers of your questions:
The raw material is wild crafted and it is sourced from Ghana. We test every batch for heavy metals and microbiological content. Some batches are also tested for pesticides. The raw material is then sent to manufacturing company in Germany which specializes in extract production. The company complied with all standards required by German law. The company also possesses GFSI certification.
The manufacturer uses distilled water. The glycerin used in our extracts is derived from a mix of various vegetable oils.
We thank you for your feedback. When we can we will look for a way to expand the information regarding our products.
Lymeherbs Team